Daily Archives: August 2, 2022

History of the national environment protection police unit UPMA Historical review: The unit for the protection of the environment of the national police was created on July 24, 1998, an assignment that is collected in art. 4 of the organic law of the national police, published in the official registry no. 368, assigning specific functions to the different police services. Taking into account that the natural resources of our territory are increasingly threatened to cause irreparable damage to the health of living beings and the environment, the national police of Ecuador, aware of this reality, trains its police officers, training and specializing them in the field of nature protection. Our mission: “Ensure compliance with the legal provisions that are intended for the conservation of nature and the environment, of the hydraulic resources, as well as the kinege, nature, forest and any other related wealth Our vision: “That the environmental protection…

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