From Official World Record we have the pleasure of registering in our databases the feat of the ultra-cyclist Frederik Böna, it is the fastest double Everesting on a road bike in history.

Frederik has invested 23 hours: 26 minutes :
in crowning the unevenness equivalent to two Mount Everest.In these hours Frederik cycled 402 Kilometers.
These event took place on April 10, 2021 when Frederik Böna ascended a circuit with 1,200 meters of elevation gain 20 times on a circuit known to him in his native Germany, the exact accumulated elevation gain of 17,809 meters.
During those hours the German cyclist became a true biogenerator, as he generated an average power of 225 watts, reaching peaks of more than 1,700 watts (enough for operate an electric radiator),and spend more than 16.000 calories.
To the merit of this feat must be added the fact that it was carried out in times of Covid, compromising both the training sessions and the organization of the race.
Although he was supported by his family, friends, sponsors and the public, Frederik practically pedaled alone.
This is the beginning of a new, demanding and exciting world of ultra-resistance mode, the Everesting.