Author Archives: David

Pratik Bharat Palor, India, establece el récord mundial oficial de sesión individual en vivo más larga en YouTube, recitando obras literarias desde el mismo asiento   Pratik Bharat Palor, un distinguido individuo de la India, ha establecido un nuevo pináculo en el mundo de la creación de contenido en línea al conseguir el récord mundial oficial de la sesión individual en vivo más larga en YouTube. En una impresionante muestra de dedicación, Pratik logró una sesión en vivo ininterrumpida que duró unas impresionantes 8 horas, 58 minutos y 5 segundos, durante las cuales recitó obras literarias desde un solo asiento. Este logro innovador no es simplemente un testimonio de resistencia, sino que también subraya los preparativos meticulosos y un compromiso firme con la excelencia. Los meticulosos preparativos de Pratik jugaron un papel fundamental en la perfecta ejecución de este esfuerzo récord. Se prestó especial atención a la selección de obras…

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Introduction In a remarkable display of skill and determination, Dr. Arooj K. from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, has secured a coveted spot in the Official World Records (OWR). On the 14th of April 2022, this accomplished professional sports coach and self-defense trainer achieved an extraordinary feat – the longest duration to perform a Nunchaku single-hand end-to-end swap rotation. Born on the 20th of May 1991, Dr. Arooj K.’s accomplishment is not just a personal triumph but a testament to the dedication and expertise he brings to the world of martial arts. Background and Training Dr. Arooj K.’s journey to this historic achievement is rooted in a deep passion for martial arts and self-defense. Hailing from Thiruvananthapuram, a city known for its cultural richness, Arooj K. discovered his love for Nunchaku at an early age. Raised in a community that values traditional forms of physical activity, he began his martial arts training…

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We, at Official World Record, Europe, extend our warm regards and heartfelt congratulations to Tribhuvan University for its remarkable achievement in establishing a new record in our prestigious database. The university’s historic feat has not only surpassed expectations but has also set a new benchmark in the academic excellence. Tribhuvan University’s commitment to hosting the “Largest Convocation in terms of Graduating Students and Physical Presence” is truly commendable and adds an extraordinary chapter to the world of academic accomplishments.  The OWR certification applauds TU’s outstanding contribution in the category. On December 18, 2023, TU hosted its 49th Convocation at Dasarath Stadium, Tripureshwar, Kathmandu, Nepal; setting the stage for an unprecedented event that would go down in history. The record title itself underscores the magnitude of TU’s achievement. The university anticipated a groundbreaking physical presence of more than 26,000 attendees, including graduating students, female participants, parents, awardees, and guests. This historic convocation…

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Dylan Thomas Ludlow, a spirited youngster hailing from Ludlow, USA, has etched his name into the annals of athletic achievement by securing the title for the youngest person to achieve the most pogo stick jumps in a single try. Born in March 2013, this energetic dynamo recently captivated the world with his extraordinary feat: a staggering 4,037 jumps in a single attempt, setting a new Official World Record in the under 10-year-old category. The journey towards breaking the record was undoubtedly a challenging one for young Dylan, requiring not only physical prowess but also unwavering determination and resilience. Pogo stick jumping is no easy feat, demanding a delicate balance of coordination, strength, and endurance. Yet, armed with boundless enthusiasm and a tenacious spirit, Dylan took on the challenge and emerged victorious. The achievement is a testament to Dylan’s dedication and passion for mastering the art of pogo stick jumping. Such…

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THE POET, WRITER, JOHN JAIRO URIBE SIERRA “ONLY ME” Born in Bello, Antioquia, Colombia naturalized North American and residing in the state of Florida, USA. Just as he writes and describes everything in each poem, he dedicates with a silent cry of the purest love to our LORD and to His Holiness JOHN PAUL THE SECOND with great happiness for being the one who performed the miracle, to complete his dream and write without repeating a word in his poems. It is with great effort he could be the owner of this work today, since it will remain in history with glory and memory of every generation to come throughout his entire life, who in some way wants to see his unmatched way of writing as he could be recognized. At full speed, his six thousand four hundred and seventeen (6,417) poems for a World Record today the twelfth month…

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Pasupuleti Naga Satish, a resilient and ambitious young adventurer from India, has etched his name in the annals of mountaineering history by securing a coveted world record. At the tender age of 19 years, 1 month, and 24 days, Satish has achieved the remarkable feat of being the youngest person to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro twice in a span of merely two days and eight hours. His unparalleled determination and physical prowess are further exemplified by his accomplishment of the fastest ascent of the formidable peak, completing the climb in a mere 8 hours and 50 minutes. Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, stands as a formidable challenge for even the most seasoned climbers. Its majestic summit, rising 19,341 feet above sea level, demands not only physical endurance but also mental fortitude. Satish, with his unwavering spirit and unyielding determination, has not only conquered this formidable peak but has done so in…

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On June 4, 2023, history was made in the world of dentistry as the remarkable Dra. Rosemeire Aparecida Marques of Brazil achieved a feat that left the global dental community in awe. In a spectacular event that took place on this memorable day, Dra. Marques was officially recognized and certified by the Official World Records (OWR) on July 6, 2023, for her extraordinary accomplishment – creating the most teeth in the world. This extraordinary achievement unfolded in a specially arranged arena, where anticipation and excitement hung in the air. The stage was set with a massive LED panel, boasting six digital counters, each representing a monumental count of teeth. As the event unfolded, every tooth created by Dra. Marques was meticulously tracked and displayed in real-time on this state-of-the-art screen, providing the audience with a thrilling visual representation of this extraordinary record-breaking endeavor. Dra. Rosemeire Marques embarked on this audacious…

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Philippe Richet’s extraordinary achievement in the midst of the COVID-19 confinement stands as a testament to human resilience and determination. When the world faced unprecedented challenges and restrictions due to the pandemic, he decided to turn his own home into a battleground for a grueling Ironman triathlon, thus setting a new Official World Record in the category of the “Fastest Home Garden Ironman.” On that remarkable day of May 7th, 2020, Philippe Richet took on the seemingly insurmountable challenge with an unwavering spirit. With a passion for sports and a desire to push his limits, he transformed his humble abode into a training ground, setting up an 8-meter swimming pool, a stationary training bike, and mapping out a marathon route around his house. This decision was not only a physical test but also a statement of defiance against the constraints imposed by the pandemic. The first leg of the Ironman…

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In a world marked by relentless specialization, Rajub Bhowmik emerges as a true intellectual juggernaut. His academic journey, characterized by a remarkable array of achievements, defies traditional boundaries and showcases an insatiable thirst for knowledge and mastery across diverse disciplines. Armed with an arsenal of ten college degrees, Bhowmik stands as a beacon of multidisciplinary excellence, a living testament to the power of relentless pursuit and boundless curiosity. Rajub Bhowmik Bhowmik’s academic odyssey began in September 2006 at Shepherd University in West Virginia, where he embarked on his undergraduate coursework in Computer Information Science. With a commendable GPA of 3.0/4, he laid the foundation for a future brimming with intellectual conquests. Graduating to higher levels of learning, Bhowmik pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Intelligence at American Public University in Charlestown, West Virginia. His solid GPA of 3.33/4 during this period exemplified his dedication to academic rigor and foreshadowed the…

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The Federation of Emerging Technologies and Binance joined together to host the renowned “Bizza Day”event in a nook of Bucharest, rewriting history. This spectacular event was no ordinary celebration; it was a brave attempt to establish a new world record!Bizza Day paid respect to a daring story from thirteen years ago, a day that will live on in the hearts of crypto fans. On that fateful day, a foresighted Bitcoin fan chose to exchange an apparently insignificant number of Bitcoins for two humble but adored treats – huge pizzas! The world had no idea that this seemingly insignificant transaction would one day become a symbol of real-life Bitcoin adoption.As the clock struck noon, the excitement was palpable. The crypto community united, and orders poured in. Binance Pay, the payment platform, played a crucial role in facilitating smooth transactions. The origins of Pizza Day may be traced back to May 22,…

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In a world where challenges seem insurmountable, where obstacles lurk at every turn, there are always people who stand out and show us the true meaning of determination and overcoming. One of those inspiring individuals is Sergio Adrian Cena, a 59-year-old Argentinian who has left an indelible mark on the world of basketball adapted for blind people. Sergio, a native of Alejandro Roca, a small town in the province of Córdoba, had a life full of achievements and challenges from the beginning. After obtaining his degree in history, he decided to settle in the city of Río Grande, in Tierra del Fuego. It was there that his life took an unexpected turn in 2010, when he completely lost his vision. However, this adversity did not stop him. Rather than let the darkness consume him, he decided to face it head on and find new ways to shine. It was in…

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Nikolaos Tzenios

Nikolaos Tzenios, commonly known as Nicolas Tzenios, is a Lebanese/Greek/British researcher,educator, scientist, and entrepreneur who was born on February 9, 1971. From 1994 to 2004, he wasthe youngest Vice President of a government-owned university.Nikolaos has achieved two Official World Records for being the “Most Titled Science Academician inthe World” and the “Most Highly Educated Person in the World”. To commemorate his life in theeducation field. Tzenios was the eldest of four siblings born in Beirut to Elie Tzenios and Alice Hallack. He attendedNotre Dame de Jamhour, Lebanon’s premier French Jesuit school. Tzenios BA in BusinessAdministration in 2014, and a Master of Business Administration in 2015. He also finished his Masterof Arts in 2022.Professor Tzenios holds or is a candidate for 7 University Doctorate level Degrees. Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D. in Public Health Applications 2020 Doctor of Science (DSc) in Cancer Research 2022 Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D. in Psychology…

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Story of Setting World Record : I am Nikhil Mishra I am living in a tribal area of ​​India I have seen tribal traditional tattoos disappearinggeneration after generationI am an artist I make digital art and animation so I decided to make it in 3d I did much research and collected full information about tribal tattoo art and with my animation skills I made gonna tattoo in 3d I have used 3d software blender or 3d model and animation and Krita software for texturing both are open source free software.This 3D art can easily explain the Indian tribe’s Godna tattoo.I didn’t do it because I want to be the first to make 3D, I want to send a message to everyone.I believe that everyone should contribute to society with their skills.

Adventure Team Bulgaria is a Bulgarian company founded by Preslav Konov and Asya Konova with amain focus on adventure tourism and mountain expeditions. In 2023, in the period 16-22 January, the company successfully accomplish an expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak 5895 m, which becomes an official world record in the category „The largest group of people who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro together“. On January 21, 2023 at 06:22 AM local Tanzanian time, 53 people from the group led by Adventure Team Bulgaria together reached the 5895 m high peak Uhuru in Mount Kilimanjaro. The whole group is only Bulgarians. 59 people started climbing the mountain on January 16, 2023. On January 17, due to severe pain in the knee joints, one of the participants gave up. On January 19, due to fatigue, 2 more participants stopped their climb to the top. At exactly midnight on January 20-21, the remaining…

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From Official World Record we report Manuel Jesús Amate Martínez, a native of Granada (Spain) as the largest and most important disseminator of content related to electrotechnics on YouTube, mainly through his YouTube channel with almost 475,000 followers. We reached this conclusion as a result of the monitoring and verification of its contents over the last few years. He has done hundreds of tutorials since April 11, 2009 when he started his YouTube career. YouTube. To date, his videos reach more than 70 million reproductions and with an exponential rate he enjoys more than 922,445,115 views. This superior technician, known as technician 2.0, began as an industrial refrigerator in his native Granada. Work in those years was scarce as a result of the real estate crisis of the moment and running a recently opened repair and shop he launched into this media adventure without imagining the repercussions of these incipient…

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“Glory after every fall’ might be the best expression to define my to-date and future achievements. Enthusiasm, excitement, passion, commitment, and most importantly, optimism, are the qualities that keep the above expression alive. Journey of DR. MUHAMMAD UMAR MAHMOOD When I came to my senses, I discovered that I had a disability that would end with my death.The journey of my success started in 2003, when I got high first division in my Matriculation Examination just in 6 months. As since my childhood I want to become a doctor of medicine, and I can’t complete my matriculation examination in science subjects due to non-availability of staff in my private school, but a shattered dream to have the title “Dr.” is still alive. After completion my graduation, again in a short time, just in 4 months, I got Government job on merit and thus the dream to do something extra ordinary…

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