OWR certifies that Rafael Morales Rodriguez,(Puerto Rico) born on December 26th 1953 has established a new Official World Record for: “The biggest poems book in the world”. The book Rafael Morales wrote is the one that contains the most poems of the world published and registered, with 4067 poems of 6 strophes or more by the same author, wrote in 4 verses in the form of quartet .
The book has 4498 pages where the word “love” appears 7027 times and 5238 the word “heart”.
For that reason the book entails two more records associated, in this elaboration so special, the records would be those related with the words: 1-“ The book of poetry that contains more times the word “love”, 7027 times” 2-“The book of poetry that contains more times the word “heart”, 5238 times” The organization OWR has verified all the data and has realized the relevant tests to issue the three record certifies, counting on the Illustrious Council of the Notariats of the European Union (European Notaries) and approved by all Illustrious Notary Colleges around the world.
The organization OWR has verified all the data and has realized the relevant tests to issue the three record certifies, counting on the Illustrious Council of the Notariats of the European Union (European Notaries) and approved by all Illustrious Notary Colleges around the world. The president of the organization, David V, in person will travel the next days to deliver the trophy and certificates at Hyatt Place Bayamon Hotel in the same city the next 6th of August at 7 p.m. With this certificate and the public act, with all his love and heart, Rafael Morales will achieve to put Puerto Rico on the world of literature for this extraordinary feat. With his own words: From Puerto Rico to the world. The life in poetry.