Official World Record certifies that the TV3 (National television of Catalonia) Telethon is the Telethon with more revenue per capita in the world in its 2018 edition
15,068,252 euros: historical record of the final marker of La Marató 2018

The telethon, named La Marato, raised a total of 15,068,252 euros from a population of just 7.5 million people.
The money raised was in aid of the fight against cancer although TV3 change their cause every year.
The programme aired on the 16th of December 2018 and by the end of the all day telethon, La Marato had raised a record 10,715,430 euros and over the following months that number rose by almost 5 million euros.

This was the 27th annual edition of La Marato and since it began it has raised more than 198 million euros.
Fund raising events take place all over Catalonia in aid of La Marato and it has become an ever-growing cultural icon with 3,000 events taking place in 2018 compared to just 8 in its first edition.
La Maratos presenters have played a special role in achieving its record breaking success, past editions have included Oscar Dalmau, Ramon Pellicer, Maria Pau Huguet, Anna Boadas, Helena Garcia Melero.
The 2018 edition was presented by Gemma Nierga and Ramon Gene