Dr. Mamta Saini, MCA, Ph.D., Educationist & Poetess has set record for world’s first and largest informative video album “Bharat Ko Jaanen” describing Demographics, Culture, art and literature, Achievements, History, Natural Aesthetic, Structure and Main Personalities of India, all Indian States and Union Territories in poetry form with her team involving 303 poetry composers, 17 poetry veterans, , 42 singers, 33 music Composers and 30 video designers.
from all over the world.
A record is to be set for the world’s first and the largest ever Country informative video album in poetry form named “Bharat Ko Jaanen”. In this video album, India along-with her 28 states and 8 union territories has been described in a poetic form.
This is the first album of this kind. The following are the salient features of this video album:
- This album comprises 37 playlists i.e. one playlist for each 28 states, 8 union territories and one for India as a whole. Each playlist contains 8 videos describing 1- demographics, 2- Culture, art and literature, 3- Achievements, 4- History, 5- Natural Aesthetic, – Geographical Structure, 7- Main Personalities and 8- State Songs
- The total time of the video album is 43 hours 7 minutes
- The content of these videos was composed by 303 overseas Indian poets/poetesses from different countries of the world including India.
- These poetry compositions were reviewed, verified and updated by 17 poetry veterans.
- The compositions were written in Hindi language in couplets (Doha) and quadruplets (Chaupai) verses (like Ramcharit Manas Epic).
- To make this video album, these poetry compositions were sung by 42 singers, music was composed by 33 composers and graphics were created by 30 video designers.
- All these compositions composed by the poets/poetess were recited by them too in the 37 days online live Facebook program online through zoom. Various distinguished personalities of India’s poetry world like Padma Shri poet Surendra Sharma, poet Ashok Chakradhar, poet Arun Jaimini, poetess Kirti Kale etc witnessed these daily programs as special guests.
We understand that this is the first video album of this kind describing India and her states in poetic way in this manner.